Abuse in Later Life
Resources and Information
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Elder abuse and abuse in later life (ALL) describe interpersonal harm to older adults. One in ten older adults residing in the community experience abuse, although the majority of cases go unreported. Violence against this population have severe physical, emotional/psychological, and financial consequences. Older adults who experience elder abuse have a higher fatality rate, more likely to be hospitalized or placed in a long-term care facility, and experience longer recoveries from physical injuries and financial exploitation.
What is elder abuse?
Elder abuse is the intentional act or failure to act that causes or creates a risk of harm to an older adult (CDC, 2020).
Physical, sexual, emotional and psychological abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation are forms of elder abuse, as well as domestic violence and stalking. These forms of violence often co-occur.
What is abuse in later life (ALL)?
ALL is the willful abuse, neglect, or financial exploitation of an older adult that is perpetrated by someone in an ongoing relationship (e.g., spouse, partner, family member, or caregiver) with the victim age 50 years and older. ALL describes the intersection of sexual abuse, domestic violence, and elder abuse (NCALL, 2020).
ALL seeks to address the needs of all older adult victims, but specifically raises awareness of the needs of adults 50 years and older. This is to highlight adults 50-62 years who may have unique financial burdens that reduce their opportunity to become economically independent. It also addresses the needs of those from marginalized communities who have shorter life expectancies compared to the national average.
ALL intentionally highlights the unique needs of older women who are more likely to experience abuse. The majority of elder abuse is committed against women by a spouse or partner.
You do not need to prove that abuse is occurring, Adult Protective Services will investigate suspicions. To report suspected abuse:
To report suspected abuse against a person who is 18 years of age or older, living in the community and is the subject of abuse, neglect and/or exploitation contact your county’s Adult Protective Service Provider in New Jersey.
To report an incident or concern of abuse or neglect to the Alzheimer's Association®, call 800-272-3900. You will be connected to your state or local adult protective services division or to a long-term care ombudsman
To report an incident or concern of abuse or neglect through Eldercare Locator, a public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging, call 800-677-1116
For more information and facts on elder abuse and ALL:
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Violence Prevention and Injury Center
Premier Nursing Academy